Basic Philosophy

The Passion to the Product Through Heart we develop  relations  of mutual trust  with customers The Sprit contributing to the society and citizens

The slogan "Sincerity" is the basic principle to promote our business activities . Under this slogan , we will strive to maintain a harmonious coexistence with society and we provide valuable products and services to our customers



Better understanding of customer's needs with a long-term view is a base of our manufacturing that meets clients' requirement.

We provide our products such as truck body materials, automotive parts and accessories with the corporate principle of "Sincerity"
We boast a reputation through supplying high quality products and service which exceed the expectance of our customers.

Quality and  Environmental  Policy



Sales branches through out Japan are communication network points with our customers.

We develop sales and delivery networks through out Japan to meet the various needs of our customers fast and accurately. We think working in close location to our customers make close relations with our customers.


Human Resources

Human Resources

We respect each individual employee, and strive to create a workplace that fosters personal growth.

We respect each employee's personality and individuality to create a diverse and positive corporate culture.
We promote individual growth as to meet the expectations of our customers .

We strive to contribute to society and aiming to be a trustworthy company in harmony with society as a good corporate citizen.

  • Corporate Profile
  • Message
  • Basic Philosophy
  • Outline
  • History
  • Quality and Environmental Policy
  • Branches